In the darkest and coldest time, joy and beauty shine brighter.
Song History and Lyrics
Dressing the House
A seasons’ turning song to mark the transition from autumn to the first days of winter. From the Roman holiday of Saturnalia to dressing the churches in rural Briton our modern holiday, we continue to dress our houses for the holidays. I hope this might spark the fire for you this year. Wassail!
Dressing The House
Lyrics and Music by John Corbin Goldsberry
Step we on through the wheel of the year
through the Spring and the Summer gone-o
and now that the autumn has taken it’s bow
we gave it a rousing cheer-o
Now it’s time to arrange, to set the stage
to bless the new year in-o
so we’ll take to the town and make our rounds
to say that the seasons here-o
Through the fallow fields to the sunlit hills
and the woodlands crowned in misseltoe
We’ll stomp and sing tell the valleys ring
with our songs of winter Joy-o
Scrub the mantel , beat the rungs
and sweep the floors a clean-o
Out with the rushes and the herbs
that blessed the autumn time so
then it’s off to the woods to gather in
the pines and the holly green-o
to mark the winters turning time
and bless us all within so
Up we’ll pass on the chairs and ladders
boughs all tied in chains-o
to dress the beams and the windows cleaned
and the mantels all in green-o
We’ll pile the wood by the heath swept clean
and a fire blazing warm and bright
With our labors gone and the feast laid on
We’ll laugh into the night
A Matter of Heart
Jan vacillated over doing this song because she felt the time for fist pounding and preachy folk songs was behind her. I recorded it here not only to preserve her creativity in what I feel is a great tune but also because I see it not so much as preachy, but rather as reaching out in love to help someone see what they are missing.
A Matter of Heart
Lyrics and Music by Janice Goldsberry
So, there’s nothing I can do to make you change your mind
You say you’re saving yourself for a better place, your love for a better time
Yet all those things you’re waiting for may just not ever come
And you’re the loser in the end when all is said and done
Is there nothing I can do to ease the aching in your heart?
Waiting for your choice, your opportunity to start?
Yet you find the more you try the less you seem to win
When you give your life away is when your life begins
Everybody needs a wall that they can lean on
Yet were forever building walls that keep us apart
When will we learn that if we don’t grow, if we don’t grow together?
Livings not a matter of mind, it’s a matter of heart.
Slap your hands upon the table scold the injustices of war
It’s so easy to divide right and wrong when your safe behind your door
Do you see the hungry eyes and feel the emptiness of loss?
Your stirring up rebellion when you never count the cost
A Robin in the Hedgerow
The Midwinter Fair, celebrating Yule, the hibernal solstice, Meán Geimhridh, Montol, Christmas, or whatever you label it, came from the marking the winter solstice time, the darkest days of the year. with a celebration in the joy of the return of the light, the rebirth of the sun. In the “village” of Withe & Stone, it is a day of merriment and communal festivity, from the fair and feast to the roaring fire that blazes through the night. The British Robin has long symbolized the life in the midst of the cold, much like the evergreens. Here is my song to start a magical day.
A Robin in the Hedgerow
Lyrics and Music by John Corbin Goldsberry
The sun is rising or the hills
to illuminate the valley, still
the glint of diamond frost upon
the grass is where my eye is drawn
I don my boots and coat and hat
I stoke the fire and I pet the cat
Then it’s out the door
I venture like a traveler bold
In a cloud of breath, I fly away with the cold against my skin
with a wide embrace I face the day
It’s when the winter truly can begin
While all along the hedgerows
music rises all around
a flash of red amongst the twigs
that lines the road to town
and the merry whistle leads the dance
that lifts from the world of grey
as the robins bless the morning of this perfect frosty sunny winter day
The wren in answer to him sings
while the distant tower bells they ring
below the village softly lies
curling smoke from the chimneys rise
from cottage doors, the children run
to play amongst the morning sun
With tents and flags the merchants keen
assemble on the market green
The fires lit, the minstrels tune the celebration starts,
today’s the day that marks the turn of the season that is dear to all our hearts
So now is the time to take a chance
won’t you jump right in and join the dance
now you can let your spirit fly
like the robins taking to the sky
In a cloud of breath, you’ll fly away
with the cold against your skin
with a wind embrace to face the day
that’s when the winter truly can begin
Blessings and Wishes
I wrote this song for Jan during a difficult passage in our relationship. I present it here as a prayer for all to start the season of hope.
Blessings and Wishes
lyrics and melody by John Corbin Goldsberry
I wish you laughter I wish you light
I wish you stars on long dark nights
I wish you music, dancing dreams
Rolling thunder and tumbling streams.
I wish you hope, I wish you joy
Success in all your love employs
I wish you friends on every side
peace in your heart to be your guide
I wish you blessings in all you do
from all of us so blessed by you
I wish you wings the to set you free
from golden deserts to silver seas
I wish my wishes all come true
that every wish I wish for you
can change your sky from gray to blue
and in it you can shine
Awaiting First Snow
I wrote this song after, just days before her death, Jan called me to the window so we could share the winters first snow. She saw winter as a time of joy, rest, contemplation, and spiritual awakening. I played it for her, the last song we ever shared together and she said she found it lovely. I am now grateful for the chance to share it with you. I will forever see her in every first snow, for she has become all the beauty that she created in her time, for all time.
Awaiting First Snow
Music by John Corbin Goldsberry
Lanterns in the Forrest
Jan once posted a picture on her facebook page in the late fall showing a lantern burning in a snowy woodland with a joyous caption “It’ almost here!” That image burned in both our hearts and mind for a year before I wrote this. The idea came from a concept I had of an alternative history where Christianity never came to the British Isles. How would the practices of then have evolved to the now? I reasoned that the idea of the hilltop fires of old would have migrated to the heart of each village and connecting them with lanterns through the countryside symbolized the connection between all communities. Everyone was welcome wherever the might be, led to warmth and comfort in the dark of the year by the light that connected us all.
Lanterns in the forest
Lyrics and Music by John Corbin Goldsberry
Beneath the sod the hedgehogs sleep Wrapped in dreams of green and warm
While overhead the branches bare stand open to the storm
While overhead the branches bare stand open to the storm
As rose of sunset fades away and clouds come slipping from afar
They spread their wings across the sky and cover up the stars
They spread their wings across the sky and cover up the stars
A snowy owl, without a sound to break the hush, he flies
The shadows grow and soon the snow starts falling from the sky
The snow comes down on empty nests, an artist paints in white
In sleeping caps, the cedars tipped to pass the winters night
Alone we walk down forest paths Where through all seasons we have roamed
But now it seems this time of dreams is when we’re heading home
But now it seems this time of dreams is when we’re heading home
Or frozen brooks at solstice time we wander ever through the night
Tell through the web of branches bare we glimpse a distant light
Tell through the web of branches bare we glimpse a distant light
A lantern blazing up ahead a pool of shining gold
That pulls me to a glowing path to this I can behold
That pulls me to a glowing path and guides me through the dark
This joyus line of lanterns in the Forest
Ahead a tower bright like fires of old once upon the hills we used to burn
Holding back the darkest time and calls the suns return
Holding back the darkest time and calls the suns return
Come all come all the beacon cries to all who fall within its sight
For sake off all this fire burns with all its warmth and light
For sake off all this fire burns with all its warmth and light
The lanterns in the forest all burn within our hearts
Dispels the darkness and the fear that keeps us all apart
There’s room for all around the fire there are no strangers here
We raise our voices loud and strong and clear
So, chanced in woodlands when you walk look for our light to home and cheer
and raise a cup and share our songs to cycle through the year
let’s raise a cup and share our songs to cycle through the year
I’ll Be Around
Another of Jan’s beautiful songs, that gives me comfort on long dark nights.
I’ll be Around
Music and Lyrics by Jan Goldsberry
Late at night I stand and watch by my window
Wondering what tomorrows going to bring
Ups and downs I had a few in my lifetime
Still and all this life’s a funny thing
Alone a lot I’ve had to learn to protect myself
So fearful of the hurt that love might bring
But there comes a time when you find you must
Take a chance and learn to trust
Tear down those walls
And finally let someone in
Help me carry the load when I’m feeling weary
Hold me in your arms when I’m feeling down
And If I ever act like I’m going crazy
Say that you’ll be around, and help me get my feet on the ground
Now I don’t know what the future may hold for me
I just know that I’ll always want you there
And I’ll be there whenever you need to lean on me
By now you know how much I really care
I’ll help you carry the load when you’re feeling weary
I’ll hold you in my arms when your felling down
And if you ever act like you’re going crazy
I’ll be around to help you get your feet on the ground
Midwinters Morning
This was my attempt to write a universal song that could apply to all of us without regard to the faith of the listener. It is my wish that all of you can feel the spirit of love this midwinter, that can stay with you through the darkness.
Midwinters morning
Lyrics and Music by John Corbin Goldsberry
At times it feels the worlds in darkness
And the suns a million miles away
Fear and pettiness surrounds us
Another one of endless days
Just know that this is all illusion
And doubt can weigh you down like stone
Reach out to all the souls around you
We may be apart, but were never be alone
There’s a spirit in the season
it guards you in the night
And lifts you to the morning light
The snow comes down midwinter’s morning
The cardinals dance amongst the trees
When The snow comes down midwinter’s morning
I’m just content to be.
When the snow comes down midwinter’s morning
Pine boughs clothed in robes of white
I watch the snow midwinters morning
And I know that I’m alright., that all the words alright
A mother sings and rocks her baby
A dear nestles against her foal
A lonely soul looks up and thinks maybe
Love shines down and already knows
The wind it whistles through the woodlands
The bells ring out across the town
The fields are lying fallow and the snow is drifting high
A rainbow flash of ice can catch your eye
A fire of pine and sassafras
A song of peace and love
For earth below and sky above.
Heap on the wood the wind is chill
But let it whistle as it will
Then laugh and sing and make good cheer
For each day comes but once my dears
And so, the seasons round they roll
Through summer sun and winters cold
Cast off your load of worldly cares
And dance like children if you dare.
Far Away
This is the first song of Jans’ we recorded back in 1990. It just felt appropriate that for the last time in presenting a joint album like this, that her voice be heard once more, and this somehow closes the circle. When we did this before I couldn’t sing harmony and play a different harmony part at the same time, so for the recording it was just her. She always regretted that choice, so now it is my chance to join her one last time with this new mix.
Far Away
Lyrics and Music by Janice Goldsberry
Far away, I hear the whistle blow
The train’s running through the valley down below
I thought one day that I might breakaway
But these old rollin’ mountains won’t let me go.
I’ve walked these hills since I was very young
I remember holding tight to mommas hand
She taught me how to find true happiness
first to love the Lord, then this land
Now so many years have gone and I tried to walk away
but I always knew that I’d come back someday
When I look into the past I begin to wonder why
I’d even try to leave this life
I always thought that I could find true happiness
all that I have dreamed from the start
and though I roamed this whole world over
here lies the love of my heart
A Joyful Heart
This, out of all of Jan’s songs was the most difficult to do. Both of us went through long periods of depression. I once put all my music aside for 7 years. Even though I knew logically it was wrong, depression is not logical. In this period Jan took out her guitar, wrote and practiced every day, with hopes that I would come back from my pit and join her again. She felt it coming herself and wrote this song in her fear that all the joy and the dreams she had of us sharing our creativity was going away. Soon after she put her guitar away and stopped writing. Eventually, I did come back, but the damage was done. She battled her own depression for years, and it led to the health conditions that finally took her. Towards the end, we both came to terms with life and found our happiness again. We started singing again, and dusted off the old songs and planed out three albums. But she never wrote another song, and this one was too close to home to go back to. After she passed it pained me to see it unfinished, scribbled out verses on random notepad pages. I assembled them, wrote a bit to connect them, and with great joy, remembered the melody she wrote. This had to be our last song together, the most painful, but the most important. There is such hope in these words, and to any of you in the throughs of depression, know that you are not alone and that the answer is within you. Find the light, find your child who will know what to do.
A Joyful Heart
Lyrics and Music by Janice Goldsberry
See the children laughing and playing
Hear them sing, see them dancing for joy
Where does the joy and the laughter come from
Where does the dance have its start?
In a Joyful heart
Why do you weep, why are you morning?
So, your heart is weary and torn
Gone is the joy, your heart has been silenced
Heavy the feet of your heart
Sad and heavy your heart
Simple the things that make our hearts merry
Simple the dreams of a child
Infinite spaces exist in their vision
Feeding the joy in their hearts
Their drinking in joy from there hearts
See the children laughing and playing
Hear them sing, see them dancing for joy
They see only brightness as worth their attention
Filling their world with its light
Come witness this beautiful site.
So, cast off the world that has shackled your dreams
Break free of the prison of doubt
Throw open the shutters that blind you from light
Dance with a loved one, laugh with a childReclaim the joy in your heart
Requiem (64 bells, Winter, To Know the Lands of Summer)
Finally, my tribute to the brightest light in my world, my best friend, and the deepest most complex person I have ever had the chance to know. She was a mystic, a philosopher, an artist, a mother, a wife, a poet, and my love.
It was the practice in the parish church days to, upon the death of a soul, to ring the church bells once for each year of their life. I joined them with a music box-like tune played on her little Dulcetta, which has not been played since she had a stroke a couple of years ago and could no longer do so. Her hammers, her Dulcimer, it seemed right.
The second movement is a poem called Winter that I composed for her both to highlight her love of all seasons, and her embrace of the cold and dark as equals, and the symbolism in the cycles of our own existence, and our journey on to wherever our energy goes when it ceases to animate these forms.
Third movement: …and according to the old faith, that place is the Land of Eternal Summer, where she now dwells, and I will join her in my time, to sit by the fire in the little pub on the green, hold her hand, and laugh with her once more over a cold pint of cider.
Words by John Corbin Goldsberry
To rest, to dream of coming spring
Of crocus, snowdrops and bluebells
Of small uncurling fiddleheads
Of redbuds then of dogwoods
While all is gray, and ground is stone
And ice and snow lay settled
Bare branches whistle with each wind
A soft and lonely chorus
They sing of summer in their hearts
Of birds and squirrels and leafy boughs
Of bright blue skies and golden sun
And dappled light on loamy earth
Drink within the scent of joy
And dry the tears of unkind doubt
Embrace the lesson of the earth
And take the loving hand of Winter
Though you may miss the green and bright
Blue skies and pristine clouds of white
Look deep within your sorrowed heart
And see beyond illusion
Fear not, cry not, hide not from this
Cold season of the cycle
All must rest to wake once more
To know the lands of summer